Mezu International Foundation Inc.
(a 501 (c) public charity organization)
3rd Annual 2014 MI Foundation Health & Vision Screening:
On April 18 and April 19th, 2014, The Mezu International Foundation held its 3rd Annual Free Health and Vision Screening, in cooperation with Aqua Vision Care, LLC, VSP Mobile Clinic and Alcon Inc.
The Mezu International Foundation Inc, a non-profit organization, provided FREE Health & Vision Screenings and gave complete eyeglasses to many people from underprivileged families. Glasses were provided free to children, men and women with refractive errors.[singlepic id=78 w=320 h=240 float=right]
At the Free Screening, over 50 participants were given Free Eye Examinations by licensed Doctors of Optometry from Aqua Vision Care, LLC as well Free Eye Glasses courtesy of VSP Mobile Van, a VSP Charity organization. Donations of various Ocular Medications, contact lens solutions, and Eye Vitamins were also received from Alcon Inc.
Research shows that around the world, 284 million people suffer from poor vision because they don’t have access to or can’t afford glasses. Here in the United States, there were more than 142 million people in the United States age 40 and older with vision problems and about 1 in every 10 kids with vision issues. [singlepic id=80 w=320 h=240 float=left]
Findings from the recently concluded Mezu International Foundation Health and Vision Screening showed that 56% of participants seen were given Single Vision Eye Glasses, while about 42% received Bifocal Prescriptions. Another 18% were diagnosed with Cataracts and about less than 5% were referred for further detailed eye examinations as a result of a diagnosis of glaucoma, a potentially blinding eye disease.
Sincere thanks to all MI Foundation staff and volunteers, Aqua Vision Care staff and VSP Mobile Van Staff who worked hard to make the third Annual Mezu Foundation Free Vision Screening and Health Fair at Aqua Vision Care a success